Why not also join our

30 Day Gratitude Challenge for an Additional $17?

It's time to (re)claim abundance.

As a mom, you juggle a lot. When you’re bogged down in the day-to-day grind of mom life, it can be all too easy to start to feel lost.

You forget that...

Magic can be found in the smallest and most unlikely places.

You can create joy anywhere and everywhere.

You can free yourself by setting boundaries.

No one can steal your spirit without your permission.

You have power in every moment.

Whether it’s marriage, motherhood, spirituality, friendships/relationships, work, identity, physical health, mental health, or financial health, there are countless areas in your lives that can feel out of control.

But I’m here to give you hope.

To help you grow.

And that starts with intentionally building an attitude of gratitude in simple and consistent ways.

Embrace the “AHA!” Moments

My 30 Day Gratitude Challenge is designed to help you take just a few minutes out of your day to connect to some “AHA” moments.

By giving yourself the space (and permission!) to take a closer look at how you’re feeling about different areas of your life, you’re opening the door to:

  • Adopting an abundance mindset.
  • Creating joy.
  • Getting reconnected in your most meaningful relationships.
  • Embracing optimism.
  • Better protecting your energy.

You deserve to feel joy, abundance and gratitude #everydamnday.

Let’s make it happen.

30 Days to Focus on You

One of the biggest benefits of the Gratitude Challenge is that it starts with 5 focused days and an additional 3 weeks of support.

Over the course of the 30 days, you’ll respond to daily prompts specifically designed to help you tap into gratitude, find peace, and create joy in just moments a day.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every morning, for 5 days, you will get an email from me. In that email will be thought provoking content and a PDF with a few simple prompts for the day.
  • From there, you’ll take a few minutes to fill out the PDF. Ideally, you would do this first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee or tea, while reflecting in solitude. But… I also get that #momlife is real. So, you can do this in any way that works for you.
  • If you can’t sit down and fill out your PDF, you can just think through the questions while you make breakfast, change diapers, take a shower, break up sibling fights and save the world. Again, anything goes.
  • In the daily email, you’ll also receive a link to a video for you to watch to help you dig into the daily questions.

The first 5 days of the Gratitude Challenge will focus on a different theme:

  • Day 1: Gratitude & Self
  • Day 2: Gratitude & Relationships
  • Day 3: Gratitude & Health
  • Day 4: Gratitude & Motherhood
  • Day 5: Gratitude & Shiny Truths

You will also receive an additional 3 weeks of prompts and a weekly email for 3 weeks following the start of the Gratitude Challenge.


"I have learnt how to crowd out habits, reframe my thoughts and the importance of self nourishment. I am grateful for Sara’s constant strength and for making me aware of how much I show up for my kids, that I’m not always failing and they do adore me!"


"Sara’s Gratitude Challenge helped me realize the importance of giving my attention and love to the people who uplift me and release those who don’t.

It also gave me an opportunity each day to stop and focus on me, my relationships and the abundance in my life. This challenge has been the reset I needed to get through the rest of this year with optimism and hope."


"This challenge helped me STOP telling myself that I’m not a good mom!! One way I’m going to shine more is telling myself that I do deserve the 1,000 hugs a day and the “you’re so beautiful” and “you’re the bestmom” compliments from my son."


"This challenge helped me see abundance in motherhood. It’s SO easy to focus on the ways I’m not measuring up in this area, beating myself up, etc. When focusing on the motherhood questions, and talking to my kids, I realize I’m doing better than I give myself credit for."


"I always had a difficult time being vulnerable due to things tied to my childhood. With the help of this challenge, I’ve been able to tap into my strengths. My abundance is beginning to spark more in myself. I am beginning to get more clarity and focus when it comes to how I want to help my community."

About Sara Dean

Sara Dean is mindset, business, and leadership coach for moms. She is also the creator and host of the Shameless Mom Academy Podcast, a top-rated podcast with over 4 million downloads. Her biggest passion is helping women take up space.

She is on a mission to inspire women and moms, in particular, to live bigger, bolder, braver #everydamnday.

Sara's coaching is based on the following:

  • Perfect sucks.
  • Motherhood qualifies you to lead at all levels of society.
  • Self care (which she prefers to call self nourishment) is a basic human need.
  • Gratitude can save you from yourself.
  • Connection with like-minded women will change your life.

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